When was the last time you heard a hospice nurse get excited about a new oxygen concentrator model? Or a new feature on a Bi-PAP? Or new gel cushion material?
But that does not mean they don’t care about their patients.
We are all passionate about giving every patient nothing but the best. But passion is by no means a passive emotion. One must be engaged to truly be passionate. Engaged to the point of restlessness; where nothing is good enough and although our care for patients will never be perfect, it will always get better. However, that does not mean we should not strive to attain perfect patient care.
All equipment, regardless of the manufacturer, accomplishes their basic function (deliver oxygen, lift a patient, provide skin breakdown treatment). Nevertheless, knowing subtle differences in equipment can make providing the best care much easier. This extends to equipment itself as well.
The alternating pressure pad (APP) is a good example of an outdated piece of equipment that still gets used on a lot on patients, despite better alternatives being made available. Made of plastic, the APP is often uncomfortable to many patients, while a gel overlay and most new mattresses alleviate the need for an APP, as they also treat stages 1-2 skin breakdown.
The APP is not the only example.
Sometimes Geri-Chairs are ordered only because the patient needs to be able to recline. However, a reclining wheelchair can achieve the same effect in less amount of room. Also, with the tray, Geri-Chairs can sometimes be considered a restraint, while a reclining wheelchair is not.
Hospice funding is a pool, not a waterfall. One must know how best to use the resources given. Knowing the technical features and limitations of your DME can help save money that could otherwise be used to improve care in other areas.
Want to know how you can better improve your DME service? Email us at care@wilbeadme.com or fill out a DME assessment form from our website.
With Endless Caring,